Frances Aoki's ties to the Library

Southwestern’s first Asian student worked as a student library assistant at the Cody Memorial Library, a magnet for early International Students.

Frances Aoki, Southwestern’s first Asian student, worked as a student library assistant at the Cody Memorial Library starting in the spring of 1953, according to The Megaphone, February 27 1953. Many other students worked there as well. In fact, the article describes how diverse the students helping at the library were by referencing the Tower of Babel. There were many students who spoke different languages: Arabic, English, French, German, Hawaiian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, pidgin English, and Spanish.

October 2, 1954, The Megaphone tells how there is a new work program for the fall 1953 and spring of 1954. The article gives a list of people working in different areas, and Frances was still working at the library.





Michelle Taing '24, “Frances Aoki's ties to the Library,” Placing Memory, accessed September 16, 2024,